这个 Live Your Impression 晚宴, 慰劳去年的奋斗,继续着又一年的耕耘。CHEERS!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Live Your Impression
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
GOOD Friday
昨晚 Rachel 发高烧,又呕吐。Mike 刚好有公司的晚宴,我这个干爹,便带 Rachel 求诊。还好 Rachel 是个乖巧的女孩,生病的当儿,不吵也不闹,在诊所静静的等候看医生。倒是我忧心仲仲,担心照顾不好她,尤其是她在诊所忽然呕吐,弄脏了衣服。还好最终Mike 赶来,将 Rachel 带回去。期望她今天服了药,病会很快好起来。
待会儿,还会去看电影。所以我说: My Good Friday holiday is GOOD...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
DG : Hi hows ur g design interview 2day? Got chance? :-)
SG : Hi daniel, i got the job! I'm working as a graphics designer, 9-5.30 and alternate saturdays. 1st april onwards! good and bad news haha! Still any chance of working with you?:)
DG : Ha! I mus stil congrates u la, it is a SECURED ful time job afteral. Of course u stil can b my pa, jus let me kno when u can start. :-)
SG : Haha! Yes at least it's secured. Hmm, can! I'll work one week into my full time job and then it'll be easier for me to arrange time. Will it be too late for u?
DG : Actualy i agreed wif u, i hv tat in mind as wel, 2 let u start ur job 1st. I hoped timing there its not 2 crazy. Is a design hse or advert agency? Its not 2 late, i stil can handle 4 now. Tkx 4 ur thoughtfulnes
SG : It's a very small company called xxx. Sounds good for 1st job, nt too big company. Yes, i hope i can manage. I really want to! We'l keep in contact.
DG : Noted, ur talent n training wil b put 2 use now. Glad tat u r taking ur job seriously. It is a good start. Jiayu! Yes kep me posted.
SG : Thanks! You're nice and i look forward to working with you too :) update you again! Goodnite.
DG :Tkx n hv a great wek ahead. Swet dreams :)zzzzzz
'Honeypotball' Tree
Specially to Aunty Fang Yen.
Thank you very much. I like the 'honeypotball' Tree you gave to me. It speaks to me, counts my goals and reads ABCs. The bear and the tiger can moves with the music! Oh, the Tree has a pink piggy, purple butterfly and many colourful flowers too.
Ah Peh wants me to take a photo with the Tree. I hope you will like this photo - Jariath Goh
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
话说之前去了香港,我一大早就起床,到Avenue of Stars ‘寻星’。就为了可以‘亲近’电视或电影里看见的男女明星,我边走边停,俯首一一看完每双手印。见到自己喜欢的明星印碑,还把手放在他们的手印对照,自High得不亦乐乎。
最叫我High翻的是‘他乡遇故知’,看到超大的 Prudential 广告牌。这牌不但大,还会变化出不同复杂的图案和色彩。因此我为自己服务的公司感到十分骄傲,所以自然地也自High起来。我赶紧要求陪伴的同事,为我捕捉一系列的‘跳跃’照片。心里也盘算着可以挑张满意的,回去后参加公司为这次旅游而主办的摄影比赛。
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