Wednesday, January 9, 2008


邂逅 一池残荷
凋零 无声之中

偶然 几许感动
奈何 夕阳残红

晚风 习习吹送
池水 毫不心动

遗忘 深邃眼眸
唯留 飞花残梦

入夜 几度回首
泪眼 独坐楼空


Claudia Heng 邢曉芸 said...

*pppssttt* the ending would sound better if you change to (in direct translation) "empty level". Paiseh, can't type chinese at the moment. that also explain why i haven't update my blog after settling in to new office.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your continual support. (very gan tong leh);-> I am waiting for your entries... 别让我独坐空楼。 hehe...