紫阳花盛开在梅雨纷飞的六月,因为它喜好雨水,保湿且肥沃的土壤。据报道日本有一年一度的紫阳花会;会场一团团千娇百媚的花束,迎风招展, 美不胜收。只可惜到目前为止,我无缘扑会赏花。
紫阳花is such a poetic and beautiful name. now i love this flower even more! this blog entry of yours made me misty-eyed. ;') i hope to grow some hydrangaes when i get my own pad.
It's this picture of hydrangaes that inspired this entry. Moreover I can relate the unique qualities of this flower to you, and I believe that it is not coincident that you love hydrangaes. And thank you for being such a great friend all these years.
Let me know when you get your own pad, I know where to buy nice hydrangaes. ;->
*clear throat* sorry to spoilt the misty poetic atmosphere . . but isn't that Daniel's new car to be combination behind the flowers ? *tsk tsk tsk*
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