先是经历了一段感情的挫折,不想再有任何的情感负累。 累了,不想‘飞’了。
也是刚过了三十七岁的生日的缘故,心境起了一些变化。 不得不承认自己是个熟男了,感觉就比较踏实,所以不要‘飞’了。
以上就是《熟男在家》的由来。 欢迎,请进!
hi! i assume everything is okay for you. and are you going to continue blogging in chinese again? anyway, thanks alot for last night. and what an coincidence. on the day i decided to take a break from blogging, you decided to have a move. please do send me the pictures from your birthday. my friendster pictures are old and rusty. i need more pictures of myself. take care my dear friend. be happy :)
喂 . . 喂 . . 喂 . . 生意越作越大. 分店开了一家又一家 :-D
我为没云看而觉得遗憾. 因为,你的摄影修养有一定的程度. 我会很怀念你的摄影作品. 希望能在这里有机会在看到你的摄影作品.
Thank you for dropping by. Yes you will still see my photos on my new blog and I will write more entries. Cheers.
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